Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Introducing DIANE, a tree with many branches
Welcome to the new DIANE website, a new online platform for researchers, educators and archivists working on national and regional movements in Europe. You are now on the front page of the project, where we will showcase new and innovative research. However, behind the scenes is where the real magic happens. The member section of […]
National anthems
This collaborative project within DIANE catalogues and explores the transnational roots of national and regional anthems in Europe. National anthems have been described as ‘possibly the strongest, clearest statement of national identity’. While individual case-studies point out that many of these national symbols had in fact transnational roots, historiography of this genre remains remarkably secluded […]
Independence Referendums
Direct democracy has been a means to gain greater autonomy for national and regional movements. In the past decades, many national and regional movements have organised independence referendums, with varying results. NISE is in the process of mapping these endeavours, and wants to showcase European independence referendums on a geographical map with timeline.
Choral Societies
Throughout the second half of the nineteenth century, organised communal singing became a primary leisure activity in Europe that attracted all layers of society. These choral societies often became instruments of nation-building, singing in native languages and praising the homeland. Though strongly patriotic in tone, choral societies borrowed from each other and relied heavily on […]
Introduction DIANE annual gathering, 7 September 2016, Clam-Gallas Palace, Prague
NISE, the network behind DIANE, introduced the infrastructure to its members at the annual gathering in Prague on Wednesday 7 September. In the beautiful venue of the Clam-Gallas Palace, participants learned how to enter and visualise data in the user interface. The were also offered a first look at the public website.
NISE database named DIANE
NISE is developing the online research environment DIANE, an acronym for Digital Infrastructure for the Analysis of National movements in Europe. DIANE is a web-based data management, network analysis and visualisation environment that aims to be a starting point for research on national and regional movements in Europe. In the last few months, designed the […]
NISE Annual Gathering on Digital Humanities (Swansea University)
The 2015 NISE Annual Gathering took place at Swansea University (Wales) on 1-3 September 2015. The main subject this time was Digital Infrastructures for Digital Humanities. Singleton Abbey, Swansea University Campus In Swansea, we presented the flagship project of NISE: DIANE (Digital Infrastructure for the Analysis of National movements in Europe), a digital environment for collecting […]
Training Session in Vienna
On 22-23 September 2015, NISE organises a DIANE training session at the University of Vienna. University of Vienna, Main Building Participants will get to know and work with the instrument. In addition to that, the workshop will be a good opportunity to explore future digital research collaboration within the NISE network. The NISE database […]
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